The best tips to activate rapid weight loss without any exercise at all!
Here are 10 rapid weight loss tips to help you avoid weight gain.
Want to get rid of a few extra pounds that you’ve gained over the years?
Well, why not start today?
You’ll be shocked to learn how these secrets can double your fat loss!
It’s not surprising for us to pack on a few extra pounds during the year.
There are a number of holidays, lots of stress from work which simply means more eating and drinking as well.
“I knew I should have said no to that second slice of pie!”
“That third glass of wine was just too much, but I couldn’t resist.”
We get you! We have the same problem as well.
Now, people often believe that hitting the gym and sweating it out is the only chance to get back into that same pair of jeans we just love too much but that’s just not true.
Yes, exercising can help you lose weight but we’ve come up with 10 other tips proven to speed up the process.

1. Antioxidants

Found in our favorite vegetables and fruits, antioxidants are good for our diet in more ways than one.
Who doesn’t love youthful, glowing skin?
We all want to age gracefully and having the right number of antioxidants in our bodies daily helps us to achieve just that.
It also supports detoxification in our bodies and reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer.
Have some of your favorite berries or a cup of green tea daily to meet your daily antioxidant requirement.

2. Nuts For Nuts

Many people believe that nuts are a bad type of diet food because they are high in calories.
However, these are what we call good calories.
They are full of healthy fat which the body needs to support healthy weight loss.
It is also a good snack option because it is very filling and satisfying, keeping you from bingeing away.

3. More Fiber Please

Fiber is extremely important for weight loss.
Why? Well, for starters it aids in proper digestion and serves as a natural detoxifier for the body, cleaning the built-up toxins from our system.
But wait, there’s more.
Having a lot of fiber in our diet helps us feel fuller for longer periods of time.
Yup, it is slow to digest and therefore provides us satisfaction for hours.
That can stop you from reaching for that bag of chips waiting to be opened in your snack box.

4. Protein, Protein, Protein

Just like fiber, you need a lot of protein in your diet if you’re serious about losing weight.
The mere digesting of this essential food group causes you to burn calories.
Yup, that’s right!
In fact, 25-35% of what you eat is used by the body as fuel to burn the protein you just ate.
Now, we’re talking about healthy proteins here, like salmon, turkey, lean meat and soy.
Protein is also muscle food.
You lose fat and build up your muscles just by incorporating this into every meal of your diet.

5. Understand Your Nutrition Label

When on a diet and heading to the grocery store – always check the nutritional label.
Look at how many calories a serving of the product will give us and go for the lower counts.
However, that isn’t the only thing you should be watching out for.
Research has found that many products that are low in calories have a high amount of sodium or sugar.
When serious about losing weight, that is not acceptable.
Watch out for those small details and double the effects of your diet in no time.

6. Know How To Combine The Right Foods

After learning how to read nutrition labels right and permanently cutting sugar-rich food out of your diet, it’s time to get yourself acquainted with the right food combinations to help boost your weight loss even more.
When preparing your protein, it’s good to season it with healthy spices like cayenne, chili and rosemary which add nutrition to it.
Also, start beating your eggs and toss in some tomatoes for added lycopene.
You can also drizzle some lemon on your salmon.

7. Bye-Bye Sugar

“Tears roll down your cheeks.”
We know, it hurts!
But yes, sugar could be the number 1 reason why you’re packing on those pounds.
Read the labels of the ingredients you take in and many of it have added sugar.
This tiny, beautiful crystals that look harmless and taste so good actually triggers the liver to store fat efficiently when it gets into the body.
And the storage happens in all the weird places too.
If you’re headstrong about losing your unwanted weight, cut your sugar intake and make room for more fiber in your body.
That would be your best shot!

8. Get On The Scale

Studies have shown that people who took the initiative to check their weights on a daily basis lost more than those who did not.
This study shows that realizing the effects of what you put in your body and taking responsibility for your weight gain or loss can be crucial to your long-term goals.
People who tracked their success had more drive to keep going than those who simply followed their diet.

9. No More Skipping Meals

The belief that skipping a meal, especially breakfast, will help you to shed some pounds is erroneous.
Yes, at the moment you take in no calories but what happens when the hunger pangs kick in?
We leave that part to your imagination.
Breakfast is essential for a healthy diet.
Not only does it provide your body with the nutrients and energy it needs to start off your day, but it also jump-starts your metabolism which aids in weight loss.

10. Have Three Full Meals A Day

“What?? How do I lose weight that way??” You think.
Well, eating three full and nutritious meals a day will keep your body nourished.
It will also ensure that you are satisfied and stop you from hunting for food due to hunger.
Make sure your meals are well-planned and provide you with the right amount of each food group.
Trust us, that is the best way to lose weight.
Protein, fiber and healthy fat in all your meals.

A Strange ‘Carb-Trick’ That Melts Up To 1 Pound Each Day

”All this by Flavor-Pairing?” I asked.
I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how good she looked.
She said, “It’s not so much about the Flavor-Pairing, but more about how it re-awakens what the Japanese call, ‘the weight loss doubling molecule’ which signals 22-hour a day fat-burning effect in the female body.”
Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video she did.
Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”…
They’re right – it actually took me 16 days to lose 22 pounds.
Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently 💅

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