Are you read to find out the top 7 morning habits that help you lose weight? Good - I got you covered. 
The morning time can be one of the most productive for our health, and certainly when it comes to losing weight.

Creating morning habits for losing weight does not need to be complicated, or some long drawn out process that takes hours out of your day.
The truth is, once you become comfortable making a few changes to how you start your day, you won’t even notice that you’ve made these changes…

..they’ll be second nature for you. 
Most clients who started to use my new weight loss program soon realise that they've created new and healthy habits for themselves

Tried Everything To Lose Weight?

If it feels like you’ve tried everything to lose weight...
...but nothing has happened, then may be now is the time to create your own morning habits so you can lose weight.

Because at the end of the day, you owe it yourself to try something new, right?

Morning Habits For Weight Loss

Each of these morning habits that you’re about to read are super easy to implement into even the busiest of mornings.

Oh, and everyone of these habits has been proven to help with weight loss too.

1 - Increase Water Intake

Quite possibly one of the most underrated and underused morning habits for weight loss.

Given the fact that we need water to function and stay alive on a daily basis, you’d think that we’d all be properly hydrated.
But, the truth is, that around 75% of people are dehydrated.

When we are properly hydrated, the cells in our bodies can function as they should which means the process of fat burning is working.

Keeping a glass of water at the bedside for when you wake is one of the easiest way to increase how much water you’re drinking. 

2 - High Protein Breakfast

The type of breakfast you eat in the morning plays a huge role on weather you’re burning fat from your body or sugar in your blood,

I talk a lot about this in the Flat Belly Plan.

But in a nutshell, if you eat a high protein breakfast you’ll:
  • Burn fat easier
  • Keep your fat storage hormone off
  • Stay fuller for longer
  • Regulate hunger hormones
I guess you could say that a high protein breakfast is one of the best morning habits you could create.

You’re already making breakfast anyway, 
so why not eat a breakfast that helps you lose weight.

3 - Morning Walk

I know, I know...

...there’s probably some part of you that’s reading this screaming at the screen saying there’s no way you’ve got time for a walk in the morning.

Am I right?

But hear me out for a moment. I’m not suggesting a hike up the mountain or some trail walk that takes you half a day to complete.

Far from it. In fact, 5-10 minutes of a brisk walk will significantly help with weight loss.

If you’re able to wake up 10 minutes earlier to get out for a walk, then it’s worth considering this, 

4 - Meditation

For most of my adult life I didn't even know what meditation was.

But since late 2017, it’s been a big part of my life - in particular, my morning.

And here’s why.

Mediation has many health benefits such as:
  • Low blood pressure
  • Relaxed nervous system
  • Greater self-control
  • Calm mind.
But here’s the most relevant point for this post..

..meditation has been shown to enhance how mindful we are of what we eat.

In other words, we understand how much to eat and we know when we’re full.
The result, of course, is that we eat less and lose weight.

Even as little as 5 minutes in the morning will significantly make a difference.

5 - Exercise

Exercise is always a great addition to anyone's day, but even more so in the mornings.

There’s a few good reasons to include exercise as one of your new morning habits.

The first is that you’ve not got the stress and demands of the day already on your shoulders.
You can get a workout in first thing in the morning before you get pulled in a dozen directions.

And the biggest reason for including exercise into your mornings is that it can help with fat loss too.

Working out at this time of day has been shown to increase the amount hormones in the body (HGH) that directly relate to how much fat you burn.

A short HIIT workout of around 20 minutes or less will do just the trick.

It’s these types of workouts that come part of the Flat Belly Plan, and why they’re easy to include into your day.

6 - Tracking

Keeping track of your food intake and even your exercise routine, is one of the best things you could do to set you up in the morning.

By planning what you’re going to eat throughout the day you’ll know exactly what you’re eating - but just as importantly, how much you’re eating.

Studies have shown that people who are new to losing weight, but keep track of what they eat are more likely to succeed long term.

Taking a few moments to plan out your food intake in the morning may seem like a chore to begin with, 
but over time will pay off for you.

7 - Make Lunch

Spending some time in the morning to cook and prepare your lunch for the day is one of the greatest morning habits to develop.

You don’t need me to tell you that when you’re unprepared for what you’re eating at lunch…’s far too easy to reach for something that’s a little too convenient, right?
The thing is, these fast and convenient foods are usually loaded with extra calories and sugars that send your hormones into overdrive.
These types of foods tend to leave us unsatisfied and even hungry again after an hour or so.

Need A Plan?

If you’re looking for a plan to help you get started in creating healthy habits for weight loss - I’ve got just the thing.

It’s called the Flat Belly Plan and has everything you’ll need to start losing excess bodyfat.

Here’s what to expect:
  • Lose pounds of bodyfat - including stubborn belly fat
  • Dramatically improve blood pressure
  • Significantly reduce all aches and pains
  • Feel more energized
This is just some of what you can expect. You can read even more if you go here.

What Now?

If this sounds like the ideal plan for you, go here.

From there, you’ll be able to access your pre-planned diet and meal plan so you can begin losing excess bodyfat.

And you’ll have instant access to you approved list of fat burning foods and herbs.

I’m very grateful to you for taking the time to read this post of mine.


...I hope to see you on the inside of the Flat Belly Plan.

Here’s to your health

A Secret 'Carb Trick' That Burns Up To 1 Pound Per Day

If you’re like most women trying to lose weight… you diet, you count calories, you tear up the treadmill, and… nothing.
That’s how 40-year-old Sarah Donovan, an overweight mother with prediabetes was feeling…
She did "everything right" and never lost an inch.
Until she stumbled on this strange "carb-pairing" trick and burned away an unheard of 22lbs pounds in just 13 days.
And because of this one simple shift in her eating, she shed pounds and inches from her body without starving herself and without a lick of exercise!
With the same "carb-pairing" trick Sarah dropped a total of 37lbs in the FIRST month and she shocked her doctor by completely reversing ALL pre-diabetes symptoms!
If you’re a woman over the age of 25 who wants to reclaim her life inside the body she DESERVES, you should check it out for yourself.

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